Monday, October 22, 2007

All around me are familiar faces.....

The past 6 months seems like a whirlwind of new faces and new experiences. It's been great meeting a lot of new people and making new friends, but the past week I've really been longing for some familiar faces. I want to sit in a room with people who know my story; where silence is ok and there's no pressure to make conversation. I've realized lately that less and less people know my story and I don't know many of my newer friends stories either. It makes me sad, but it's hard for me to learn about someones past when it's not facilitated for me in a hyper compressed get to know you session. I want to become better at asking questions and allowing people to tell me their story. I want to become a better listener and actually care when people tell me about their life. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with trying to maintain healthy relationships and that's when I crave those familiar faces the most. I miss the Rupps a lot. As well as the Cunninghams. I miss Tina, David and Clayre. I miss my Mom. Those people are my family and I feel honored that they let me be part of their lives. I think sometimes I take those relationships for granted but right now they are precious to me. There's nothing better than having people really know me and them still loving me.


philter said...

When I saw the title of your post I thought of the Bon Jovi song "I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all." Anyway, i miss you too my friend. I hate growing distant with people who i have such rick history with. We need to do a meal together. There are some big things we need to share with you, we are NOT pregnant. Can we do next week?

Chrissie said...

I miss you too...What are you doing Friday?

Clayre Turner said...

Julie I miss you too.
THATS it....I must come to seattle next summer.
I feel honoured (shout out chrissie! yay british spelling) for getting a mention.
I love you!

Clayre Turner said...

oh I like the new blog layout though.

Zachary Rupp said...

yeah. me too. [sigh]

The Rupps said...

ditto, ditto....we really must try to see each other!!!!