Thursday, November 01, 2007 oh yeah, happy november!

So this blog might be a bit scatter brained but there's a few things floating in my head....we'll see how it goes. I might post in bullet style......

1. Brian, Justin, Anna, Josiah and I went to the Henry art gallery for the opening of Kim Jones and his mudman madness. I didn't quite get the purpose of it though, a lot of other people didn't understand either and it freaked me out that no one understood the purpose.Anyways...this guy Kim Jones takes his clothes off in the middle of the museum and covers himself with mud and dons a mud and stick backpack of sort, then walks around. Still I don't get it. And how can everyone be ok with no one understanding??

2. I have to preface this next bullet. I have to apply for the nursing program and I'm extremely stressed out about it. Ok, I can begin.... I was talking with a friend today and we were talking about purpose. He asked if I had a purpose and I kinda realized I don't actually have one. Quite the big revelation I know. The closest thing I have to a purpose right now is nursing; which would explain why I'm so stressed about apply for the program. If I don't get in then I really have zero...almost minus purpose. Sometimes I feel like the only fulfilling purpose is one with God in the center and to be quite honest I'm not sure I want one of those purposes. Not that I hate God, I'm just not super fond of those typical God purposes.
Moving on...

3. Lately I've been having an EXTREMELY hard time making decisions. Even the simplest choices have been difficult for me to make. Usually, even if I'm not exactly sure what I want, I've always been able to just pick and go....not any more.

4. I've been listening to a lot of Dolly Parton and I LOVE her!!

5. I really wish more than anything I knew how to ice skate.


Clayre Turner said...

I will respond to your bullets!
1. "And how can everyone be ok with no one understanding??" HAHA that is funny....I hate when stupid people think that some weird artsy thing is deep simply because it's weird and artsy. If it lacks purpose, if no one understands, we should deem it what it is and move on.
2. Julie. Know this. God purpose can be ANYTHING. You know that. Don't get caught up in "typical God purpose." God doesn't live ina box, He lives in your heart. I will pray about your nursing thing....don't will be good.
3. Don't become me...if you can't make decisions well who am I supposed to call? haha...
4. Dolly Parton ROCKS. Lets go to Dolly World sometime.
5. Let's go ice skating!

Anonymous said...

Julie Johnson, this is your can you like Dolly Parton? When I think of her all I see is polka dots, lumps, lips and hay stacks.

Anonymous said...

PS--sometimes it is good to focus on one purpose at a time. I can't say don't stress, that's kind of like saying: don't catch a cold. I do believe that you will fulfill this in time. Maybe not your have lots of years to learn. Look at freakin' me? Still in school. It's okay. It will be fine. Just don't get discouraged--then I would have to kick your butt. Love