Wednesday, January 10, 2007

sewing maching....the industrial god...

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I sew now and i love it. I took a trip to the goodwill and found some really cool sheets, which inspired me to start sewing. My only problem was that my sewing machine is in Seattle, although I'm not sure where in Seattle. I went home with my new (actually really old) fabric and without a sewing machine. When my mother heard of my new interest in sewing she said...."well i have your grandma johnson's (who i've never met, she's dead now) sewing machine in the attick." So my mother and I climbed into the attick and there it was in all of it's 1948 glory. It weighs about 60 pounds....literally and smells like an old persons house plus an oil tanker. My mom said it probably wouldn't work, since it hadn't been used in 21 years. I lugged it downstairs, carefully placed it on the kitchen table (i was afraid the table might break from the weight) and started to hook the machine up to electricity. IT WORKED!!! I was so excited. And that's when I began to sew. It becomes addicting. I've never really sewn anything before, other than 500 yards of muslin to make Mission Adventure curtains.....TWICE. I've had to figure out how to do everything, mainly by trail and error. I invested in a seam ripper which is definitely something I use a lot. While i was sewing late last night I felt this sense of connection with my lost history. Unfortunately I never got to meet my dad's parents and no one ever talks about them. I've never seen a picture of them, I didn't even know their names, or were they lived until a few months ago. And here I was in 2007 using my father's mother's sewing machine that she used to make my father's clothes when she was my age. It was pretty cool. I have nothing to connect myself with her except that sewing machine. Anyways I really enjoy sewing, but I can't cut straight for the life of me, that's my only set back. I've made two purses, a few pillows, a pencil case and a sach (not sure how to spell it) for Jolene's hope chest. I heart sewing.


kiwiupover said...

You make us laugh. Thanks for the chuckles. I have a sewing machine now maybe we should have a sewing circle. Thanks again for sewing all that fabric. You a star.

Dave and Jen

The Rupps said...

julie, maybe now baby Z can hire you!! do you accept? :)
i'm so happy to hear you are sewing and we should sew together when you get back to seattle.
i miss you lots and love reading your posts. can't wait to see you when we get home (and wish you were here...)

Anonymous said...

also, julie johnson, you are a liar, because you just told me, while sitting in my comfy chair next to my open window, that you hate writing, you hate it hate it hate it, Liar! I have evidence. right here!!!!!!!!!