Monday, August 11, 2008


i realized this past week that i'm an unlucky person. for a while i thought i attracted disaster but after milling that theory over for a while i realize that wasn't true. it's never disastrous the things that happen to me. usually just funny small/annoying things. sometimes they have the potential to become actual disasters but seeing as how i'm so familiar with bad luck, i usually thwart off the disaster with my laid back attitude (which may actually be lucky of me). anyways my friends and family would never be shocked if i called them with this story, "i decided to take my inflatable raft on green lake but it ended up sinking after being on the water for 5 minutes" (true story). i don't think any of them would even blink an eye. if i had a penny for every time i've had to call friends/family with some dumb car problem, i would have at least $18, which is a lot of the math. the other morning i woke up and realized my keys were locked in my car. it honestly didn't even phase me, i walked back inside called AAA (best investment someone like me could have), ate breakfast, watched the guy pop my lock, then went back to bed. i've also been realizing my life is full of coincidences. all these isolated events happen to me, that must be related, but in the end, they're 100% coincidence. which is more freaky to me than if they were actually related. on the same day all this happend.....

lost my wallet
lost my passport
3 bill collectors called saying i hadn't paid their bills, when i knew i had
i realized i had someone else's title and registration for my car
i was accidentally drunk

there must be some correlation between them all....but no. they're all completely separate events hanging on a string of bad luck.

anyways then i got to thinking about people who had good luck. and then breaking down that group into people who make their own good luck and those who just have dumb luck. for example phil cunningham=dumb luck. rusty polinder=make his own good luck.

then i got to thinking maybe there's those two kinds of unlucky people too. people who just happen to have dumb bad luck. or those who make their own bad luck. weird.

so that's what i'm thinking about. in the end it's pretty funny.


Clayre Turner said...

I am notoriously bad with keys. I feel ya there. Verizon Roadside Assistance knew me by name a couple of years ago. I locked myself out of a house I was housesitting two times. It's bad.
Julie, you crack me up. Are you sure that you weren't "accidentally drunk" before all that other stuff happened?

Anonymous said...

Hum....I could give you some words of wisdom on some of those situations if you would like to talk about it.

David Harris said...

i know how you feel jules. yesterday anna and i bought you a present from scotland. it was a good present. on the train on the way back to london we decided that we weren't finnished with edinbugh so we got off the train and went back. only i left your present on the train.
maybe some time next week i'll be able to laugh about it but right now i'm very pissed off. better get a new passport soon. you'll need it to visit me in london.