Friday, February 16, 2007

Back to Se-at.....

I'm back in the Emerald City and I LOVE it. It's strange though...well I think what the strange thing is, is that it's strange. I didn't think the change would effect me, but it is. I miss my mom mainly. We had the opportunity to work through some hard things as well as get to know each other more. Things aren't perfect of course but I feel like I have some sort of closure for something, not sure what though. I have a longing for family so when I find even the tiniest piece of it, I want to hold on to as long as possible. I have family here too and I'm excited to be able to hang out with them again. In other news....I got a job. I had an interview today for doing laundry for a family and they hired me. I start school April 1st. I want to see everyone.

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1 comment:

The Rupps said...

oh, i feel so happy to think that you are back!!! i'm really looking forward to seeing your face when we get home. it must be quiet around there! i'm proud of you julie and i'm glad you miss your mom....shows that you have something meaningful to you and see you soon-