Saturday, December 01, 2007


right now, i'm sitting in front of my fire, listening to vince guaraldi's charlie brown christmas, sipping hot chocolate and WATCHING THE SNOW POUR FORM THE HEAVENS. today at approximately 1 pm the lord heard my prayer. it's the first seattle snow of this year and it's amazing. justin and i decided to go out and play in the snow. I LOVE SNOW!


Clayre Turner said...

Dang I am way flippin jealous of you!! it's 70 here.
Of course YOU are wearing flip flops....oh Julie. Can you keep the snow until the summer?

Anonymous said...

It would snow more in Seattle if you had proper footwear. Now, "you were raised better than that"** to know you cover your less than beautiful toes when the temperature goes below 70 degress. The snow was beautiful. Do Seattleites know how to drive in snow?

**Comments parents make in order to take any blame away from them.

Anonymous said...

you have a beautiful foot there, especially with a backdrop of snowflakes

Anonymous said...


nice photography, yo.
from ben