Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pacey Whitter and adopting dogs....

This week I've been house sitting for the family I nannied for. They have a dog named Baxter so I've been taking care of him as well. I've come to the conclusion that I want a dog. I know I can't have one, mainly because I live with someone allergic to dogs, as well as we're not allowed to have animals in the house I'm living in. But, when I move out in the fall, I'm getting a dog. I've thoroughly enjoyed hav ing a dog this past week. It's nice to take care of something. Everyday we take a trip or two to the park, take strolls around the neighborhood or run to the store together. It's kind of like having a child but not as traumatic when they die. Also I'm in love with a boy named Pacey Whitter, hopefully I'll soon be Julie Whitter....but that may all be a pipe dream. My friends come back from their respective countries next week. I'm excited to see them. Speaking of friends...I think that holiday's shouldn't be this exclusive family function. I mean, I know a lot of people, especially those is Seattle, far from family have realized this and actively participate in mingling holidays into a family/friends ordeal. I remember when I was in highschool and it was a holiday, you couldn't even call your friends on holidays much less incluse them in the festvals. I think it's silly. I think specials days should be celebrated with everyone you love. Not just family, besides I consider a lot of my friends the same as family, and I'm closer with my friends than the majority of my family. So...if I ever grow up and have a traditional family of my own, you are all invited to all of my holiday extravaganzas. Thank you.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Back to Se-at.....

I'm back in the Emerald City and I LOVE it. It's strange though...well I think what the strange thing is, is that it's strange. I didn't think the change would effect me, but it is. I miss my mom mainly. We had the opportunity to work through some hard things as well as get to know each other more. Things aren't perfect of course but I feel like I have some sort of closure for something, not sure what though. I have a longing for family so when I find even the tiniest piece of it, I want to hold on to as long as possible. I have family here too and I'm excited to be able to hang out with them again. In other news....I got a job. I had an interview today for doing laundry for a family and they hired me. I start school April 1st. I want to see everyone.

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